Saturday, November 7, 2009

Socialist Allilance 7th national conference January 2010

Fighting for socialism in the 21st Century:
 Towards Sustainability, Justice and People’s Power
Socialist Alliance 7th National Conference
Sydney, January 2-5, 2010
Women’s College, University of Sydney

Sponsored by Green Left Weekly


7.30pm  Their Crises, Our Solutions. Public meeting to launch the conference

9am Welcome to country
9.15am The Socialist Alliance’s perspectives for struggle in 2010 (panel of speakers and discussion)
10.30am Socialist election strategy and tactics: preparing for the next federal election (panel of speakers and discussion)

12.15pm Building the climate action movement (panel of speakers and discussion)
2.45pm The struggle for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights (panel of speakers and discussion)
4pm Multiple workshops to plan campaigning on: climate change, Aboriginal rights, same-sex marriage rights, anti-war and Latin America solidarity

7.30pm Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund rally. An evening of speakers, music and multi-media presentations to launch the 2010 fighting fund for Australia’s # 1 alternative newspaper.

9am Rebuilding the trade unions for the fights ahead (panel of speakers and discussion)
10.15am Building the socialist movement among young people (panel of speakers and discussion)
11.30am Refugee rights and internationalism (panel of speakers and discussion)

12.15pm The Latin American revolutions and solidarity (panel of speakers and discussion)
2pm Campaigning for environmental sustainability (panel of speakers and discussion)
2-4pm Challenges of building a radical alternative to Labor 1 (concurrent educational workshop)
3pm Getting Australia out of Afghanistan and Iraq (panel of speakers and discussion)
4pm Multiple workshops on building the Socialist Alliance and strengthening left unity, covering Green Left Weekly,  election campaigning, internet activism, etc.
4-6pm Understanding the financial and economic crisis (concurrent educational workshop)

7.30pm International Cultural Night: Performances from many lands and peoples

9am Campaigning for women’s and queer rights today (panel of speakers and discussion)
9.45am Socialist Alliance policy session 1 (discussion and voting on a range of policy proposals from members)
11.30am Taking action in 2010: discussion and voting on Socialist Alliance building resolutions
11.30am-1pm Ecology, socialism and human survival (concurrent educational workshop)

2pm Taking action in 2010: discussion and voting on Socialist Alliance resolutions on the climate movement, Latin America solidarity, anti-war, women's rights and  LGBTI rights
2-3.30pm Building the Left-Indigenous alliance (concurrent educational workshop)
3pm Socialist Alliance policy session 2 (discussion and voting on a range of policy proposals from members)
3-5pm  Challenges of building a radical alternative to Labor 2 (concurrent educational workshop)
4pm Socialist Alliance elections
All welcome

Whole conference: $60 solidarity/$50 waged/$30 unwaged
Two days: $40 solidarity/$30 waged/$15 unwaged
One day/session: $20 solidarity/$15 waged/$5 unwaged
Childcare will be available for a small fee if booked by November 30, 2009

For more information, or to register for the conference, visit, email, or phone (02) 9690 2508, or contact your local branch of the Socialist Alliance.

* Some changes will likely be made to this agenda before the conference. For the latest agenda, visit