Monday, October 3, 2011

Pakistan, the Commonwealth & the war on terror

Leading Pakistan socialist Farooq Tariq will be speaking in Perth on Wednesday 5 October.

Wed 5 October
6 for 6:30pm
Perth Activist Centre, 15 / 5 Aberdeen St, Perth (next to McIver station)

Farooq is a spokesperson and central leader of Labour Party Pakistan - the leading socialist party in Pakistan.

Political developments in Pakistan are of interest because it has become a major, if largely covert, theatre in the "war on terror" being pursued today by Barak Obama and Julia Gillard. Recent flooding in Pakistan - the worst in Pakistan's history - reveals the importance of climate change as a current issue as well. (See here for more on the LPP's role in this campaign.)

Pakistan is also a member of the Commonwealth which should make this forum especially interesting in the lead up to next month's CHOGM summit and protest.

This forum is hosted by Socialist Alliance and Resistance. Ph 9218 9608, 0413 976 638.