Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fremantle standing up for human rights: Sat 13 Dec

Join the Prohibited People standing up for human rights in Kings Square, William Street Fremantle on

Saturday 13th December!

10 am—3 pm: Information stalls, buskers, Mad Hatter’s Market

1:30 pm: Community Photo & Film Shoot

Show those suffering human rights abuses that we care. Photos to be streamed to asylum seekers and torture victims world-wide through Social Media.

(Bring placards and messages of support)

Donation gift cards available for purchase on AfHRTESL and RRAN stalls.

Action for Human Rights Tamil Eelam Sri Lanka in collaboration with The Institute for the Prevention of Human Cruelty IPHC

Enquiries: Leonie M 0439 475 174

An International Human Rights Event

To all from Fremantle and beyond: the main call to attend is for 1:30 pm: Community Photo & Film Shoot

We are looking to create a strong and positive message of support to the victims of violations of human rights and of authoritarian regimes, and we need your help!

The three participating organisations — Amnesty, Fremantle RRAN and Action for Human Rights Tamil Eelam Sri Lanka — will be staffing the stalls and talking human rights with passers by and attendees for the duration.